BMW Tool Rental​s
By Alex (monty23psk)
Check Engine Scan Service
When the dreaded engine light turns on, similiar to what is on the picture, many people see the picture on the right in their mind.
I would like to help fellow BMW owners. I have a computer to scan your car and tell you why the light it on. We can then clear the warning. Sometimes it was a one time thing and the light will not turn on after. But if it does, we can scan it again to see what really is wrong with the car. Included in the scanning service, is a third scan and reset. This will take place after what ever repair or service is required to alleviate the issue. Dealer's and mechanics can charge from $70 and upward for this "diagnostic" service.
The charge for this service is only $25. Only local to other BMW drivers. The computer is portable so visits can be accomadated around Miami if needed.
Please contace me to schedule a scan.